

Reusable and attritable engines for loitering munitions


Our gas turbine engines fit well with client partners in defense.
Core use cases include: 

  • Intervention

  • Logistics

  • Sensing

  • Surveillance

We understand that our client partners, and their clients are seeking to maximize availability. Because of this, our primary focus is on reliability.


Continuous land-base power generation

Primary (Prime) Power


Not all generators are created equally. Prime power that is “rated” is a much more industrial generator than the type you might find in your local big box store, or even at an industrial provider.

Produce electricity where it is needed, without the negative environmental impact of diesel. A single turbine generator unit can provide complete facility energy needs with a much higher level of efficiency than legacy systems.

Choose the fuel that’s best/most available for your application; even propane. Our turbine generator has a lower total cost of ownership (TCO) than a typical ‘tractor-based’ generator.

Unlike solar and wind, it works continuously and doesn’t require a large field for panels or towers. Our 250kW solution fits in a 10’ shipping container

Systems can be linked to expand capacity. They also feature managed operation and data-rich performance reporting.


Given our penchant for reliability, we invite you to think about... other things on your list.